Sunday, September 9, 2012

Of loneliness and love

Hey guys! I've been busy with school (and will continue to be) so don't be surprised when I don't post frequently.

However, I want to share my Friday afternoon with you:

I had a good study group session with some dear classmates for several hours after class; we all had a good time laughing and chatting while being productive and digging into the material. However, when everyone left and my roommate went on "date night" with her beau I was suddenly left to my own thoughts. Sometimes this is great, I love having me-time and am ridiculously introverted. I do, however, enjoy company and need companionship and community. It was just one of those nights. I took a break and made dinner and found myself procrastinating studying by wandering through the internet. And poof, I was in a cloud of loneliness, self-doubt, and questioning my identity in Christ and as a woman in this world. How does this happen? Does this happen to you all, too? Does it come out of the blue like it does for me?

I texted my mom, because she can be such a guiding voice and I know I can turn to her when I feel like there is no one else. She told me to get out of the house or call a friend. So I packed up my study materials and closed my books (as if I was really focusing at this point, anyway!) and hopped in the car. I ended up visiting my old workplace, the hospital I worked at before I went to PA school. 

I walked down the familiar hallways, smelled the familiar smells, and smiled at familiar faces. It was honestly a true joy to visit with my old co-workers. We hugged, smiled, shared stories of work and school. Honestly, I am convinced I worked with some of the best, most kind and loving nurses out there. I rotated between them as they took care of their kids and I even saw a few patients (frequent fliers) that I have previously loved on and have been praying for. I was even told of new information that could possibly be of use to me next year in clinical rotations or even in the long-run post-graduation in my career!

It was such a beautiful night, after all. God knows just what I need when my dark cloud is so overwhelming and consuming. He knows what people He can put in my path to dissipate the self-depreciating fog and remind me that I am not alone and that people are even missing me! 

Monday, September 3, 2012


So the Summer Olympics have come and gone...a while ago. BUT! I love the Olympics, so I'm bringing it up again. I just need to say that I discovered my love for watching women's soccer this year. The USWNT (gold medalists, btw) is AWESOME! I may be a little obsessed with Megan Rapinoe (midfielder)right now - she's just so cool!! She is energetic, fun-loving, knows how to be herself, and has some major soccer skillz! I may or may not have gotten her haircut, too. Minus the bleach blonde! Abby Wambach (forward) is a beast! She also went to University of Florida, which is my University if you didn't know. That makes her doubly awesome! I also really like Heather O'Reilly (midfielder) because she is hilarious - seriously, just youtube search her name! And Tobin Heath (midfielder) because she seems so quiet but really she is so sarcastic and witty. Plus she loves Jesus, which is awesome!! And Amy LePeilbet (defender) 'cause she also has awesome hair that mine now looks like.

I also signed up to play intramural soccer this semester because of their inspiration. Did I mention that I absolutely SUCK at soccer? Well, here goes nothing!