Friday, January 14, 2011


Someone or some people are going camping this weekend. I am not one of those people. I will be sleeping inside.
I'm not crazy...the lows have been in the mid-20's here in The Swamp!

But either way, I am going on a "camping" trip this weekend with RUF. Some people will be adventurous (read: crazy) and sleep outside. The rest of us will be sleeping inside the cabin with the heat on. Mind you I am usually a huge fan of tent camping. Love it actually! But, well, I'm not stupid. I know my dinky Florida sleeping bag will do nothing to ward off frost bite compared to those super freeze rated mummy bags. I'm realistic in my weeny-ness.

Our time shall be filled with fun, food, and fellowship. I thoroughly enjoy this trip every year. We do devotionals, pray together, and just enjoy each other's company while spending time in God's creation. At night we usually do a bonfire, s'mores, and games. During the day we (read: boys) play football and frisbee. Some people brave the cold cold river. Others (read: girls) go for walks, chit chat, and play with our campus minister's daughters.

Unfortunately, though, I will be leaving our little weekend getaway early to come back to town and work on Saturday morning. But I am glad to not be missing all of my last RUF camping trip. (Let the nostalgic sentimentality of senior year commence...)

Hope you all have a fun weekend too!

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